What's this book all about?
Coming up with creative ways to incorporate consistent exercise and sound nutrition habits into your family’s lifestyle behaviors can be enough to send any parent into a proverbial downward spiral. Parents – y’all got it rough right now! The amount of information available in the world of exercise and nutrition makes it hard to tell what is correct. Even more than that - being a Christian – attempting to figure out what God says about exercise and nutrition lifestyle behaviors is mind-boggling. But I am cooking up some good news!
“Through His Strength, By Improving Ours: Family” is a faith-based book that will ignite a fire under your family’s backside to make long-lasting lifestyle changes in nutrition and exercise. After all, through God’s strength – oh, and this book - you can do just about anything, including improving your health! In this process:
In about 30 minutes, you will read about nutrition and exercise in easy-to-read chapters that combine scripture and science,
You will teach your children about what you learned through discussion questions suitable for all ages, and
Together, your family will complete fun, hands-on, and engaging practical applications in the comfort of your home.
I believe in the power of this book to strengthen families. Dr. Allman is literally making families stronger through physical challenges that are fun and backed by science. But more importantly, she is strengthening the family unit by sparking important conversations around health — both physical and spiritual. Dr. Allman makes sure families will laugh, pray and sweat together throughout this study and emerge better because of it.
- Erin Paul

Whether one is a believer or not in Jesus, this book gives the necessary foundation as to how to view the human body as what it was created to do, move and glorify. We were made to move. We were made to glorify the one who created us. And if you’re like me who didn’t really understand what either of those two things looks like, this book will start the journey.
- Ryan O'Malley
I turned to this book not only because my sister is the author, but also to learn more about myself, my family, and our health! As our kids get older, we totally need each other - together on the same page! This book helped us balance what health is all about, and it sure helped us tidy up some loose ends together as a family.
- Melissa Allman

Each chapter in this book encompassed funny tributes and stories about her family, relatable to anyone. The practical application activities provided gratification for my entire family and encouraged new healthy habits in our home. Take a chance on this quick-witted, versatile and scholarly, new author - you will not be disappointed.
- Jamie Bartholomew
By pairing scripture with science, this book teaches why physical health is an important part of building a strong foundation of faith within the family unit. Told through fun family memories, bible verses, and some of her own research, Dr. Brittany Allman's passion for exercise, nutrition, faith, and family come together in this interactive bible study that is sure to be the most fun you've had with vegetables since Veggie Tales.
- Dr. Katie Hirsch